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When your company wish to bid for the latest advertised tenders in most of PEs such as NGOs, International tenders in Tanzania; there are things to consider and make sure you prepare and attach them if you wish to be included in the evaluation processes.
Among others, interested suppliers MUST submit the following information:
- Draft report detailing the methodology for supplying the distribution of the asked supplies for review and approval by the respective PE.
- Quote, valid for at least 90 days
- Current company profile
- Copies of the registration certificate and address of their registered office, valid business license, VAT, TIN certificates, and Tax clearance certificate
- Items specifications are always fully addressed in the quotations.
- Current Audited financial statements for two consecutive years.
- Delivery time must be specified.
- Payment’s term 100% after delivery.
- Evidence of similar assignments, and least two (2) names and address of clients served.
With well detailed and tailored information, your bid will be likely to be in the favorite pot of being awarded the tenders in most of PEs in Tanzania.
NB: PE- Procuring Entity (those who advertise tenders); government agencies, private companies, NGOs….
Tenders advertised on Zabuni platforms always includes the attached tender notice in PDF format it is downloadable and printable.